Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Students Want to be Engaged & Challenged

This is a cool video in which students deliver the message that they want to be engaged and challenged in school. And that much of the engagement comes through allowing them to explore their own ideas using a variety of tools.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Scenes from Maui

Here are a couple of photographs from our vacation in Maui. We had a fun family vacation experiencing Hawaiin culture, landscapes, and food. Everyday was a new adventure.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Woices--Share interesting sounds

I just stumbled upon Woices which is free internet service that allows people to create, share and consume echoes. Echoes are audio recordings that are linked to a very specific geographical location or real-world object. Woices ultimate goal is to extend reality by creating a new layer of audio information, what the creators of the site call the echoesphere, that will make the world a more interesting place. I will introduce this concept to my new literacies and media course this Fall.